Compiling from source

Building from source with docker

DPS uses docker to simplify the compile process

Generate the binaries

$ docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up --build prod-build-binary-dps
Starting docker-dns-server-compiler
Attaching to docker-dns-server-compiler
docker-dns-server-compiler           | ok	0.008s
docker-dns-server-compiler           | ?	[no test files]
docker-dns-server-compiler           |
docker-dns-server-compiler           | _/app/src
docker-dns-server-compiler exited with code 0

Then binaries mus be available at build folder

$ ls build/
dns-proxy-server dns-proxy-server-2.5.1.tgz  static

If you want you can build the docker image

$ docker-compose build prod-build-image-dps && docker-compose up prod-dps

Take a look at docker-compose.yml for prod-build-image-dps* to build other arch

Building binary for specific ARCH

You can generate DPS binaries for all archs that are supported by golang, DPS were designed to run on linux though.

$ docker-compose run prod-build-binary-dps builder.bash build linux amd64
> Testing
> Tests completed
> Building...
> Compiling os=linux, arch=amd64

Used technologies

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Golang