Release Version Control

DPS Versioning

DPS uses semantic versioning [2] for releasing. The latest stable version is the one which is marked as “latest” label at Github releases or the latest docker tag. Click here to see the binary releases at Github.

Promotion to the latest (Stable)

Minor pre-releases with at least 1 month since they released without a confirmed bug issued on the Github oficial repo, will be released as the latest. A pre-release can take more than 1 month to be promoted to the latest though, if you want to use the most recent updates check the latest pre-release or the docker nightly tag.

Docker Images

There are three types of docker images

  • Latest images are the latest stable image for Linux amd64
  • Nightly/Unstable images are the latest unstable image for Linux amd64
  • Images for Linux amd64: ex: defreitas/dns-proxy-server:3.9.0
  • Images for Linux aarch64: ex: defreitas/dns-proxy-server:3.9.0-aarch64

Click here to see the docker images at docker hub.

Release Notes

You can see every release note on the releases download page or at the release file


DPS release process was inpired on Gradle and Debian releasing process.