

Remote DNS Servers

Remote DNS servers to be asked when can not solve from docker or local storage. Default:

Web Server Port

Web GUI port, Default: 5380.

DNS Server Port

Default: 53.

Log Level

Default: INFO.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_LOG_LEVEL logLevel See –help

Log File

Where the log will be written. Default: console.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_LOG_FILE logFile See –help

Register Container Names

If should register container name / service name as a hostname. Default: false.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_REGISTER_CONTAINER_NAMES registerContainerNames See –help


The container names domain used on the registered container, services. Default: docker.


docker run --rm --name nginx nginx

Will register a container with the name nginx.docker

Env JSON Terminal
MG_DOMAIN domain See –help

DPS Network

If should create a bridge network for dps container. Default: false.

DPS Network Auto Connect

If should connect all containers to dps container so they can surely talk with each other. requires DPS Network Option. Default: false.

Default DNS

If DPS must be set as the default DNS automatically, commonly requires DPS be run as sudo/administrator permissions, this options also won’t work in some cases when running inside a docker container, see the feature details.

Host Machine Hostname

Hostname to solve machine IP, domain can be changed by Domain option. Default: host.docker.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_HOST_MACHINE_HOSTNAME hostMachineHostname See –help

Server Protocol

Protocol to start the dns server. Default: UDP_TCP.

Docker Host

Docker host address. Default value is SO dependent.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_DOCKER_HOST dockerHost See –help

Resolvconf Override Name Servers

If must comment all existing nameservers at resolv.conf file (Linux, MacOS) or just put DPS at the first place. Default: true.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_RESOLVCONF_OVERRIDE_NAMESERVERS resolvConfOverrideNameServers See –help


Linux/Mac resolvconf or systemd-resolved path to set DPS as default DNS. Default: /host/etc/systemd/resolved.conf,/host/etc/resolv.conf,/etc/systemd/resolved.conf,/etc/resolv.conf.

Env JSON Terminal

No Remote Servers

If remote servers like must be disabled and only local solvers like docker containers or local db must be used. Default: false.

Env JSON Terminal
MG_NO_REMOTE_SERVERS noRemoteServers See –help

Active Env

Active Env used to query local db entries. Default `` (Empty String).

Env JSON Terminal

No Entries Response Code

Response code to use when no entries are returned by the configured solvers. Default: 3

Env JSON Terminal
MG_NO_ENTRIES_RESPONSE_CODE noEntriesResponseCode See -help

Local Entries Solving (LocalDB)

See Local Entries Solving docs.

Example JSON configuration

Version 2

  "version": 2,
  "remoteDnsServers": [ "", "" ],
  "envs": [
      "name": "", // empty string is the default enviroment
      "hostnames": [ // all local hostnames entries
          "id": 1, // (optional) used to control it will be automatically generated if not passed
          "type": "A",
          "hostname": "",
          "ip": "",
          "ttl": 255 // how many seconds cache this entry
  "activeEnv": "", 
  "webServerPort": 5380, 
  "dnsServerPort": 53, 
  "logLevel": "INFO",
  "logFile": "console",
  "registerContainerNames": false, 
  "domain": "docker", 
  "dpsNetwork": false,
  "dpsNetworkAutoConnect": false, 
  "defaultDns": true,
  "hostMachineHostname" : "host.docker", 
  "serverProtocol": "UDP_TCP", 
  "dockerHost": null,
  "resolvConfOverrideNameServers": true,
  "noRemoteServers": false,
  "noEntriesResponseCode": 3

Environment variable configuration

Boolean values

You can use 1 or true (case insensitive) to specify which the flag is activated, any other value will be considered false.

Terminal configuration

Run one of the commands below to get the commandline instructions help:

$ ./dns-proxy-server --help
$ docker run defreitas/dns-proxy-server --help