Release Process

Feature Request - Phase 1

  • Create a pull request
  • CI will be checked automatically
  • Once CI is passing, the author @mageddo must approve the PR
  • Merge the PR

Pre-Releasing New Version - Phase 2

  • Define the new version number
  • Document the new version and changes at
  • Generate the git tag with the steps below

Patch Version

$ ./gradlew release

Major Version

$ VERSION=3.18.0 && ./gradlew release -Prelease.releaseVersion=${VERSION} -Prelease.newVersion=${VERSION}

Release Latest - Phase 3

  • Define a pre-release version which will be promoted to the latest by following the rules.
  • Edit the github release setting latest flag
  • Run the release latest workflow, if you don’t run the workflow it will auto run on the next day at 07:30 UTC